“We may go to the moon, but that’s not very far.
The greatest distance we have to cover still lies within us.”
Charles De Gaulle
As a professional Soft Skills expert, professor, concierge anthropological psychologist, socially responsible serial entrepreneur, internationally renowned motivational speaker and author, national consultant and mentor, TV/Radio show host, coach, advocate and trainer for individuals unable to cope with everyday life, multi-age/diverse and special needs youths, Daria has aspired to channel her competence towards those who struggle spiritually, physically, academically, intellectually, developmentally, and emotionally. took an overarching, circuitous and unconventional path towards business, health, education and parenting in search of practical, logical, humane, out-of-the-box solutions to problems and issues that give meaning, purpose, value and depth to life. Thus she has accumulated a resume of diverse, comprehensive experiences on a variety of thematic studies, which have been translated and executed into a multitude of achievements. Her expertise lies in improving the quality of the day-to-day lives of individuals who struggle with deficits in their relationships, home, job, or classroom through face-to-face, Facetime, phone, ZOOM and texting sessions. Her unique talent is called SACRONOLOGY © ™ harmonizing the Layers of Sacred Interconnectedness by synthesizing the energies of body, mind, spirit, emotion, and soul purpose in relationships, career, job, schooling, mental health and personal well-being.
For thirty years, she researched educational systems, family living models, holistic health modalities, ecological solutions, religious influences, birthing practices, neurophysiological breakthroughs, child-related legislation, genetics and laws around the world, authored publications on a variety of these topics and mentioned in as many more which include Forbes Magazine, US News and World Report, AHP Journal (Association for Humanistic Psychology), New York Times, Echo (alternative magazine), In Business Journal, WABC, WNBC, PBS. As Ambassador of Transformation, she implemented and championed for legislation to establish a more humane, relevant educational system.
Currently, she is Executive Director of Fun on the Spectrum (for profit coaching autistic young people) and What Wize Women Want, Inc (non-profit that Encourages Women’s Voices to Make Informed Choices). As an advocate and counselor for Autistic Young Adults, she assists clients to navigate through lifetime issues, business stumbling blocks, the education, health, legal and financial mazes as well as teaches and coaches from a holistic perspective. As college professor, she trains parents, caregivers and professionals towards understanding individuals with autism. Besides this, her business accomplishments include: a holistic health center (Life Creations™), the first environmentally friendly wholesale/retail store (Earthwise: A Green Store™). Dr. Brezinski is the host of TV Show- What Wize Women Want™ and radio program- Children Come First™. She has an extensive online presence with her TV Show on YouTube. As president of Integrated Learning Systems®, she designed a new educational infrastructure implemented at Holma College in Höör, Sweden where she was president.
Classroom lectures include the University of Virginia, University of Maryland, Rosemont College, Harcum Junior College, Philadelphia Community College, Drexel University as well lectures and workshops in cities across the globe- Atlanta, Savannah, Penn State, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, London and Stockholm. Her expertise was brought to bare while testifying at hearings for: PA Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Corrections, Department of Environmental Protection, PA House of Representatives, United Nations and Whole Life Expos. In her early years, she was a Director of Head Start, a Day Care and the YMCA. Professional memberships include Professional Women’s Business Network, National Association of Women Business Owners, Chamber of Commerce, Executive Women’s Circle, Delta Kappa Gamma, American Alternative Medical Association, Association of Humanistic Psychology and Association of Transpersonal Psychology. As a community advocate, Dr. Daria has been instrumental in starting a recycling center, building a skateboard park, and advocating for youth activities as well as a Social Engineer in Cyber Security. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dariambrezinskiphd/
I am a Psychologist who specializes in Autistic Asperger Young Adults, Cyber Bullying, Hacking and Texting, School Shooters, Soft Skills. As a professional mentor, coach, advocate for multi-age/diverse Special Needs Youths, I channel my competence training young people who struggle academically, intellectually, developmentally and emotionally as well as educate others who care for them. Having achieved mastery over my autistic social and neuro-atypical obstacles, my expertise lies in improving the quality of the day-to-day lives of individuals who struggle with these deficits in their home, job or classroom. Training young people diagnosed with autism in life skills such as communication, personal hygiene, financial management, time management, soft skills, independent living skills, teamwork, job skills, and professional skills is my expertise. I’ve put together the latest neuroscience, education studies, legislation, studies in genetics, epigenetics, birthing practices and environmental studies amalgamated into a cohesive online course and book as well as privately working with clients. EMPOWERING INDIVIDUAL VOICES TO MAKE INFORMED CHOICES™ Ask yourself:
* What are the characteristics? * Why it is a spectrum? * What can be done to circumnavigate the behaviors? * What Life Skills are needed? * Are Untrained schools professionals preparing autistic youths? * What are the ramifications in adulthood? * How do you capitalize on their strengths? * Employment potential? * How can employers capitalize on autistic strengths? * Is it ever too late to learn new skills? * Do Medical Professionals have all the information? * WHY is there no actual test to diagnose autism?
NARRATIVE MEDICINE: In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching created the Flexner Report which led to Columbia University Medical Center with their opening of the first Program in Narrative Medicine; a medical approach that utilizes people’s narratives in clinical practice, research, and education as a way to promote healing. It addresses the relational and psychological dimensions that occur in tandem with physical illness, with an attempt to deal with the individual stories of patients.
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE: 1991 the Cleveland Clinic Foundation & at George Washington University, focuses on the “root causes” of diseases based on interactions between the environment and the gastrointestinal, endocrine, and immune systems to develop “individualized treatment plans.
As coach, mentor, professor & psychologist, her motto is to Enrich Individual Voices to Make Informed Choices through:
• Pioneering a standardized curriculum for college and high school students on how to start their own business (authored textbook on entrepreneurship),
• Teaching them how to navigate the cyber security and social networking landscape and analyze their internet footprint.
• Designing and Mobilizing over 50 individual apprenticeship programs to explore career options that are commensurate with their abilities, knowledge, passions & enthusiasm
• Negotiating partnerships between businesses and young people who are seeking career opportunities and job placement
• Slash job seeking timetable investigation in 1/2 for individuals
• Customize and Execute individually designed Soft Skills training programs towards career success taught for the past 10 years.
• Within this demographic, generated a 100% track record with Autistic Young Adults placing them in independent living and jobs.
Participants learn how to:
maximize youth assets while recasting deficits
diminish & circumvent unnecessary time spent & financial expenditures towards career exploration & training
augment and convey the scope of resources available towards job placement by connecting businesses with students
develop internships for potential employees
avoid expending youths time in ill-suited career pursuits
recognize how to capitalize on their peculiar character issues