DECEMBER 25, 2012
The Children Light The Way
The most resounding similarity of comments among these children is that this world we have created is “heavy”. Our thoughts are heavy, the food we eat, the bodies we carry, the emotions we express, the religions we worship- everything is serious and laden with heaviness, guilt, fear and anger. We live to die (or in fear of death) or to retire, never living life fully or joyously. Our homes, schools and offices have little and no natural light (lite) extending the environment of our thoughts of heaviness into the dark. We dress in black as if continuously mourning over our lost or misspent childhood. We are deluged by religious doctrines that proclaim our ‘fall’ from grace and hence, the ‘fall’ evoked generations of ‘brokenness’ in need of mending by one religion or another. Heaviness (fear, anger, greed, etc) keeps us locked into the heavy weight and pressure of gravity. The children claim that the universe is quite the opposite- light, joyful, laughter, fun and bright. The lighter we become, the closer we get to our own essence and the meaning of life. The notion that fixing and molding children into some imagined form, perpetuates the heaviness. This is basic concept we must awaken out of.
Subliminally, the universal energy has been propelling humankind to ‘lightness’. There have been movements to eat lighter foods –vegetarians- think kinder thoughts. The peace movement of the 1960’s was an attempt at overthrowing the old established Puritanical order, heaviness. (Unfortunately, movements that begin out of anger or to overturn the status quo as the main objective only proliferate more of the same in the end. Hence, the drug culture was born to maintain the heaviness.) The children say that the key to unlocking the heavy doors is through the elimination of fear of all kinds.
For the past 5 years, there has been a phenomena occurring throughout the world- a new species of humanity is born. Around the globe, in every country from every socioeconomic and intellectual background, children under the age of five are demonstrating skills and abilities that make Arthur C. Clark’s Childhood’s End pale in comparison. Although the specific skills of The Children have been around since recorded time, these have been sporadic and considered anomalies and/or even abnormalities.
The Children have a profound understanding of what we term ‘God’, Yaweh, or Supreme Being. This concept is described throughout the book as a few sentences here could not do justice to the perspective. The personal, ‘father’, architect of life is very different from the All-That-Is quality The Children describe as God. It seems that generations of conditioning have made our God very small in comparison. The notion that somehow everything is separate from everything else provokes laughter and giggles amidst these youths who describe the interconnectedness of everything as integral to life. However, Te Children conceded that in order for us to comprehend the content of the message, some familial concepts, for the time being, will be utilized, such as the animate, human qualities of God. Hopefully, by the time the volumes of information are public domain, a clearer interpretation of the God notion will be evident.
Each child possesses a unique set of gifts. Some children talk at age one in fluent sentences while others are silent until age three. Some of The Children show proficiency in reading with any appendage on the body- ear, foot, or hand while others demonstrate levitation of themselves and objects, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spontaneous healing of themselves and others, and psychic powers of various categories. The Children born with AIDS, for example, are healed by age four through their own volition.
There is little doubt in the author’s mind that the information these children impart is from some well-spring, reservoir or, as Carl Jung describes it, cosmic consciousness of ancient knowledge long lost by the current civilization. Further, The Children demonstrate the use of the neurophysiological portions of the brain that have been dormant. It is well documented that only 10% of the brain is utilized by humans. These children have somehow ‘grown into’ the latent sections to express their aliveness. The entire human anatomy is utilized as a memory access tool rather than merely just the physical brain. The Children are conduits to the energy of the universe that exists everyday and for all time. It is an honor and a privilege to translate the knowledge and information they impart to the masses.
Lecturing around the world on subjects relating to education, children, birthing and child development over the course of twenty-five years, the author has been introduced to the slowly evolving emergence of these children from predominately concerned parents, educators and medical professionals. Subtly, the content of lectures suggested to the audience that there was a new breed of children around the world. At this juncture, adults who had knowledge of these children began to come forward. Fear of abduction and disclosure has kept these individuals from discussing The Children in the past. Although some parents are very proud of the skills The Children possess, others feel exploitation may occur with public knowledge. All of them have been kept out of the public eye, have been home schooled and secluded for the most part. Some were birthed at home and have no birth certificates. The author has vowed to keep their identities confidential.
Obviously, with such extra-ordinary and unusual powers, these children need protection, guidance, nurturing and care. There are many who would exploit them. Some of The Children have been taught that their homes are a safe haven but to keep their knowledge sequestered from the public, even other family members, for their own safety. However, there is a sense of security they possess in ‘relating’ to each other, which they typically do telepathically. Because the identity of the 46 children who have participated in compiling the data for this book will remain confidential, names will be changed and exact cities to protect their innocence and vulnerability. Governments, corporations and individuals with power would possibly use these children for purported reasons of national security or scientific inquiry. However, the parents and children themselves wish to remain anonymous to continue the work that they claim to be doing on the planet until the day when their numbers increase in a unified whole.
The Children claim that their existence is not a ‘leap’ in evolutionary tree of life but rather has been a gradual acceleration and progression unrecognizable to most. Some of the strangest communications and illnesses from ‘normal’ children over the years such as ‘imaginary friends’, talking to animals, sensitivity to environment or its stimuli (That is food allergies, noisy distractions, frustrations, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ‘mentally ill’, hearing voices, even autism) were the precursors of their development. Most illnesses considered mental in nature, were the signposts along the way. Genius, as well, is our birthright and part of this unfolding process. It appears that we have unknowingly been observing the next leap, although it is more appropriately expressed as an invisible ascending staircase rather than a leap, in human form for generations.
The Children look like any other normal child with the exception that, before growing hair, the shape of their skulls protrudes at the forebrain (forehead) and at the back of the head. There appears to be a small rounded football on the top of the head. But as soon as the hair grows, this distinction is unnoticeable. It is interesting that this feature is the predominant alteration in the new form. When archeologists study the remains of lost civilizations, the initial search begins with the size and shape of the cranium to determine origin. It would seem that with each stage of human development, it is the cranial carriage that alters throughout time to accommodate the expanding consciousness.
The rest of the body is identical to any other human child. The eyes are clear, direct and focused with intensity. The height, weight and other general physiological features are all quite normal. In a crowd, they look like any other child from their country. It might be assumed, however, that with the development of these new features and skills, The Children’s physiology or those of generations to come, will change. (Drawings of The Children will be substituted for photographs to keep the identity anonymous.)
This book is a combination of the fragments of information gleaned from years of interviewing The Children and observing their talents. Although it would seem that this information is highly sophisticated for youths reported to be under the age of five, it is only the tunnel vision and mindset of humanity that hinders us from accomplishing the level of understanding these children have inherited and evolved to. It is their consensus that humanity is ready for the next evolutionary step. This first attempt at translating the messages utilizes metaphor, analogies and stories to impart the wisdom of the ages. It will take additional publications to communicate the rest. The Children have designed a step-by-step approach unfolding certain pieces of knowledge to be assimilated before others can be comprehended or understood. Although highly technical and provocative, the knowledge of the universe, its functions, the meaning of life and the processes of life, are simplistically communicated in a variety of venues. The Children use childhood examples such as bubbles to explore the mysteries of the universe divulging its secrets in an intelligible, sophisticated yet uncomplicated perspective.
The author sought a common denominator that may have preceded the birth of these children in order to locate others. It seemed that the most common thread was the fact that they were birthed to mothers who chose to have successful careers prior to having children. Most moms were in their late thirties and early forties, highly intelligent, holistic minded, and middle to upper socioeconomic status when The Children were born. Also, the moms consciously chose to be parents (and dads). The concern for health and fitness were paramount especially utilizing gentle, alternative means such as yoga, meditation, vegetarian diets and alternate means for vitamin and mineral deficiencies or morning sickness. However, approximately two years after entering the research phase, a young twenty-year-old mother and her child were introduced into the formula thus eliminating these preconceived theories. When an anomaly occurs, it generally redirects the investigation elsewhere. It was The Children who finally divulged the common characteristic among them.
It is imperative to prepare for the events to come as the time grows nearer to December 25, 2012. Although the author has spent years researching additional texts in order to understand the perspective The Children possess, this documentation will be kept to a minimum and references provided for the reader to explore the principles and theories presented. There are apparently 19 dimensions, which occur simultaneously and intertwine with each other rendering them invisible to the untrained novice. However, The Children view life in a totality not segmented into parts like most humans. They muse, for example, at our educational system chopped up into bit size pieces and incomprehensible to the ‘whole’ of life or the learning process. Therefore, an attempt has been made to unravel these dimensions and separate their characteristics so that the majority would understand at the risk of losing the ‘wholeness’ of the concepts in the process. The message is key.
When asked what they would like to be called, The Children insisted that the focus be geared towards the events of 2012 and not them individually. Humans, they contend, have a fetish with words, titles and placing people in boxed-in categories. The point of their emergence is the preparation of events to come not their existence in particular. Therefore, for ease of communication, unless otherwise stated and to dispense with using ‘The Children’ continuously, all information in this text has been transmitted by the 46 children and is a compilation of interviews which spans five years without making direct reference to them. For further information on subjects presented by The Children, the author has inserted other pioneers and experts in these fields whose publications can be read for further clarification.
Children Light the Way (W) 1988